Thursday, May 14, 2009

My Birthday Wishlist!

Oh my goodness I am going to be 21 really soon! And here's my wishlist, not in order of preference:

1. Beaded jewellery
Plenty at Diva and Accessorize, and something for every budget!

2. Belt
Not the work kind, but something fun that's worn at the waist. =)

3. Long skirt
Gypsy skirts, from knee-length to floor-sweeping. Something like this:

4. Clutch

Something elegant yet roomy enough to hold the essentials. I have a lot! Haha.

5. Bangles

My love affair with bangles started fairly recently, and I've been hooked ever since.

6. Cookbook

I'm a fan of Nigella Lawson and Jamie Oliver, so I would really love to have their books, but any other cookbook will be just as great. Maybe I could cook something for you! =D

7. Makeup

This is a little tricky, and I already have more than I can wear, but the more the merrier right? =p

8. iPod

Any other good music player will do, actually. I just need something that I can listen to while on the train. While you're at it, you could also get me "The Idiot's Guide to Using an iPod" because I am clueless with technology.

9. Book about fashion

Plenty at Times and MPH.

10. Chocolates

Prestat, Godiva, Lindt... Hell, I'll even take Nestle. I absolutely adore dark chocolate, and should you want to get me a huge box of those dark chocolate Ferreros, I will adore you too.

11. Stationery from Urban Write

My goodness, I am deeply in love with that place. Each time I visit the place, I just get so overwhelmed, taking in the sight of all those pretty pens and notebooks and files and whatnot. It takes all my resistance to stop me from buying the whole shop.

This is it, for now at least. I may add more things later, but it is quite a lot as it is. I am really excited about this party, and I hope to see you there, dear friend!

Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Oh, the Pandemic!

I love my mother. I think I have inherited a lot of her traits. When news of the swine influenza broke out, the first thing that came to her mind was food.

"I think we need to stock up on food. If touch wood we get quarantined, what we have now isn't enough."

"Really, Ma? I'm quite sure we have a lot of food at home."

"It's not enough. Some biscuits and a few packets of noodles, they won't last us even a week. I'm going to NTUC to buy food now. You follow me. I need someone to help carry the things."

Along the way, I was thinking if we were going to need any non-food items. I tried to talk her into getting a Nintendo DS. I didn't succeed, evidently, but I did get to choose some nice snacks. (My mother bought all healthy food - rice, noodles, oats, beans... If there ever is a quarantine, I'd be bored to death by humdrum food.)

As of now, we have about 100 packets of noodles, two and a half sacks of rice, and biscuits in tins and boxes. And there are only three of us.

I am so tired of this already! Please let this be over. This is disrupting the lives of people all over the world. I hate living in this cloud of fear and suspicion. Please let it all clear up and be sunny again.

Saturday, May 2, 2009


Two more papers to go, and I have yet to find the motivation. I really should be studying now, but all I want to do is to shop shop shop shop shop till I drop, and then pop into Starbucks for a Mocha Frapp, and then go out and shop some more.

Somebody help me!

Friday, May 1, 2009


I will not be going to France after all, and neither will I be going to Venice. But on the bright side, I will be able to pursue other goals and focus on my various projects here. My style blog is finally up at It is still quite bare, but as soon as my papers are over, I will be doing some fashion research and putting up really exciting content.

I am a little sad that Edwin and Natasha will be away in June and July, and Frances will be busy with work and school. But I'll make the most of my alone time, hopefully brushing up on my French.

Well, who knows what surprises may come my way? Either way, I know it will be a good summer.

Love is in the air...

I had such a wonderful time yesterday! We went to Raffles City first to grab a bite. Edwin had that Japanese fish pancake thing, with ham and cheese in it. I had a banana meringue pie, which was so lovely that I swooned with every bite. Edwin took a couple of bites, deemed it too fluffy and girly, and set out to reclaim his masculinity by eating a manly-looking doughnut.

And then it was the highlight of the day - the Singapore Flyer! Personally I don't think it's too bad, just overpriced and there's too much hype that it doesn't live up to. But otherwise, it makes for a pleasant enough experience, and there was a student promotion, so it's okay.

The day wasn't perfect though. There was this elderly man on the shuttle bus to the Flyer, and he was part of the staff. He had to collect $2 because the bus is only free after 6pm, and the money can be redeemed upon purchase of Flyer tickets. The thing was that we had already purchased our tickets earlier, and Edwin asked him if we could still get our money back. The man was so rude, speaking in the worst tone possible.

The standard of service in Singapore is disappointing enough, and this man was definitely not helping. He was there when we took the bus back to the station, and his attitude towards the visitors actually got worse. When we got off the bus, Edwin grumbled, "Stupid old man. I'm never taking that bus again. The source of the swine flu is in there."

That aside, it was a good day.

And I feel so blessed, knowing that there will be plenty more good days to come.