Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Any Recipes to Recommend?

My dearest Frances will be coming over on Saturday, and I haven't a clue what to make for dinner. She'll be here early to help, but I still need to shop for ingredients, preferably by tomorrow. Perhaps I'll go to the library later to study (last paper on 5TH December), and along the way, browse through a couple of cookbooks.

Yesterday, or this morning rather, I was chatting with Natasha on Msn, and she remarked, "I love that you're a traditionalist too". And it's true. I remember when the two of us shopped together at Daiso once, and it was funny how we were so at home, two housewifey little undergraduates. What a combination.

It's that white picket fence dream, I suppose, though I'm not buying into it wholesale. I suscribe to the Supermum, work/family balance concept more. Either way, it's a nice, optimistic way to view the future.

But when all's been said (and not done yet), the future is indeed a long way off. So, first things first, I'll need to figure out a lovely menu for Saturday. Any recommendations?

P.S. The tagboard is finally up, a thousand thanks to Natasha. It's at the bottom of the page, which is rather inconvenient, I know, but hopefully this is just a temporary arrangement, until I figure out an optimum position for it.

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