Thursday, November 13, 2008

A Week and a Day

A week and a day left, that's all I have, before it all descends upon me. It's safe to say that I no longer have the luxury of taking it nice and slow.

I am rather stressed over the examinations this time round, which is something new. But I'm taking it quite well for now. Mostly it's just the lack of sleep getting to me. Otherwise, I should do fine, as usual.

Oh, when I say "fine", what I really mean is mediocre. But my expectations for this semester are really low. I'm just asking for the bare minimum here. By next semester, I'll have settled most of my issues and then I'll just focus on my dear friends and my school work. I did much better for my second semester of year one, so hopefully I'll do well next semester.

In the long scheme of things, this is only temporary. This is what I've been telling myself and my friends since the start of this semester. And it's true. It'll all be over soon. With all assignments done, I guess I'll take a tiny breather tonight. Tomorrow, the real work begins.

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