Friday, January 30, 2009


Joyeux nouvel an chinois! Mahjong, Blackjack, snacks, red packets, gatherings and more snacks, what's not to like?

Alright, first order of business:

NUS Choir presents
Varsity Voices 2009: Musica Moderna
21ST February 2009
$13 (early bird promotion till 8TH February)
University Cultural Centre

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

I've gotten some really pretty gifts for friends whose birthdays are coming up. Really happy with my purchases. I have not yet gotten anything for Edwin though, and his birthday is in a few days from now. It is truly difficult to get a gift for a guy, I feel. Any ideas?

Saturday, January 24, 2009

I Love Life

When I was in church last Sunday, there was a line in a song that really, really moved me: "You are the God who loves".

He is the God who loves.

He is the God who LOVES.

I cannot begin to explain just how profoundly moved I am, and I cannot explain why either. But I just feel so blessed knowing that it is by His grace that I have gotten this far, and it is by this same beautiful grace of His that I will go much further. Because He is the God who loves. (Isn't that the greatest truth ever?)

I have just finished a book entitled "For Women Only" by Shaunti Feldhahn, which Natasha lent me. It was quite the eye-opener in some regards, and an affirmation to the things I already know. A wonderful read overall, to gain insight into the inner lives of men. I particularly like the final chapter of the book, which was truly touching.

By now, I've gotten most of my school materials, which is a relief, because school does not really start for me unless I have what I need. After two weeks of lectures, I have a rough idea regarding what's to come for the rest of the semester, and so far it seems alright. At least I can set things in a particular order, which I like. Now I can write substantial tasks in my organiser again.

It's CNY, and I have such an earnest craving to play mahjong. I'm hoping to have a good dose of it this season. There should be an opportunity for that tomorrow night, and hopefully the night after as well. Also, I'm having some girlfriends over on the 2ND day for a little gathering, and we're going to have a marvellous time playing games and eating snacks.

Life really is looking good, isn't it?

Over the next few days, I may be too occupied with CNY to blog. Here's something for the road:

And zooming in...

I know it's fairly obvious, and you can tell how I am feeling now, but I'll just say it anyway - I am happy.

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

A Conversation at a Bus Stop

Me: That baby is just so cute!

Edwin: He looks like an alien.

Me: ...

Alright, to be fair, the baby did look a little like something out of a science fiction movie, but he was adorable all the same.


All is good now.

Saturday, January 17, 2009

Conflicted Thoughts

Some people say, "Live every day as though it will be your last.". I have been giving it some thought, and I feel that it is not very sound advice. While it does propagate several positive values, such as treasuring each moment in life and the people around us, there is a downside to "living life to the fullest".

If life were to end the next day, there are things that I would want to do. I would probably do just about anything, without any worries about the consequences of my actions. But as it were, life doesn't end tomorrow, and we all have to be careful about the things we say or do. Because no man is an island, we have to make accommodations for the other people in our lives.

With all this in mind, I still try my very best to live each day as a fresh new canvas, with new opportunites and new chances, because deep in my heart, I hope that it is not too late.

Sometimes, hope is all one can live on.

Saturday, January 10, 2009

New Semester

Semester 2 of the academic year 2008/2009 is about to begin. Now where is that seatbelt?

I was hoping that after the roller-coaster ride that was Semester 1, I could breathe a little easier this time round. Yes, I will be taking GEK1544: The Mathematics of Games, in spite of having a frightful aversion to numbers. But I will also have my lovely Zhenli to keep my head above the water. (Zhenli, I just read the module description and I think I will be depending on you a lot this semester.) And for that I am wonderfully grateful.

So those are just numbers. Nothing to fear, right? (Right?)

Reading the description of a Sociology module however, placed me in greater anxiety. Here it is, quoted wholesale:


1. If you are a FIRST YEAR student, it is advisable that you wait till your third year to take this course. Past experience shows that first year students dont have the intellectual tools or maturity to read third year modules. They have to compete with more advanced students in their third and Honours year (many of whom are single-majors in sociology), and as a result they feel lost in class, and do badly in grades. This course is offered every year, so be patient and wait till your 3rd or 4th year to read the module.

2. If you are looking for HANDOUTS/NOTES, do not take this module. There are NO handouts in class, there are no power-point lecture notes for you to download, nothing for you to copy! Anyone taking this module has to listen and make your own notes. You may have to learn speed-dictation as lectures may be delivered at rapid fire.

3. If you are fishing for an EASY module, this is not it. The term papers demand quite a lot of research input, tutorials are demanding, and past year exam questions are no guide to the present. Are you sure you want to go through all these ?

4. You have to prepare for TUTORIALS. If an assignment is sent to you via email or posted on IVLE, you have to bring it to class for discussion. If not, we will not hesitate to ask you to leave the room. We don't like lazy people riding on others who have prepared for their assignments. It is very unethical and irresponsible to depend on others that way.

5. If you are looking for PERSONAL VALIDATION, this course is not the vehicle for that. In fact, you'll get the opposite: you will feel slighted or ignored as the lecturer cannot remember your name, very often doesnt give you eye contact, and doesnt have time to answer your email. Part of the reason is due to SIZE of the class: you cannot expect equal attention in a class of over 100 students. If you want to be remembered and loved by lecturers, you should take smaller classes of ten to thirty.

6. If you have timetable CLASHES with another module, you have to drop either one. No new tutorial groups will be created just to cater to one or two oddballs and there are just no rooms available for new groups."

Oh my oh my oh my. I am quite alright with most of the points, harsh as they are, but it is the second point that is most worrying for me. I forsee that I will be struggling with note-taking along the course of the semester. Perhaps I could bring in a video-camera to record the lecture.

Otherwise, life is the usual sunshine, rainbows and butterflies. Varsity Voices 2009 is coming up in February, on the 21ST. I am looking forward to that immensely, and hopefully I will be able to grasp all the songs in time. Wish me luck!

Wednesday, January 7, 2009


I am excited and scared about turning 21 this year. On one hand, this opens up a door of opportunities. On the other hand, there are more responsibilities to be had. Moreover, it does add to the stress when I look back and feel that there are so many things yet to be done.

Planning a 21st birthday party serves as a pleasant distraction. I have a few venues in mind, and I shall see how my budget works out. The guest list is another potential headache. It would be easy if my invitation could also function as some kind of sub poena to every guest, but the world doesn't work that way.

I shall have more details posted here in due time. Meanwhile, it's back to reading novels and making the most out of what is left of the holidays.

Thursday, January 1, 2009


Spring-cleaning is an activity which I would usually perpetually put off. But since it's new year's day, I decided that this is a time as good as any other to acquire some new space. And I am so glad that I did. Along the way, I uncovered a few gems, as well as a few ghosts of the past, including a sheet of Hello Kitty stickers (I was ten once) and a file with F4 stickers on it (I was fourteen once).

I also found a booklet with information regarding FASS, which proved to be useful. Let me quote the section describing Sociology:

"The Department of Sociology offers a comprehensive curriculum comprising a rich diversity of modules focusing on exciting contemporary issues, ranging from popular culture, media and communications, race and ethnic relations, gender and sexuality, health, religiong, law and deviance. These modules help students develop a good understanding of sociology and learn how it can be used to analyse and explain a broad spectrum of social phenomena, including individual and group behaviour in different social settings and contexts. Students also acquire critical thinking and analytical and basic research skills through fieldwork, internships, and participation in research projects supervised by professors.


Sociology graduates are suitable for a wide range of professions, in administration, human resource management, corporate planning, media and public relations, health and social services, information and research, marketing, education, uniformed services, among others. Many Sociology alumni have distinguished themselves in sought after careers, such as survey researchers, market analysts, information technology, media or public relations specialists, journalists, broadcasters, human resource practitioners, and policy analysts."

Finally, I have an answer to "So... What are you going to work as after you graduate/What can you do with your degree?". I read that section out to my mother just now, and she's happy that I do have a range of career options.

I initially planned to take not more than two Sociology modules in the coming semester, but by the looks of it I will probably be taking three. Still, my timetable looks far more manageable this time round. This should be a good year.

J'adore la vie.