Thursday, January 1, 2009


Spring-cleaning is an activity which I would usually perpetually put off. But since it's new year's day, I decided that this is a time as good as any other to acquire some new space. And I am so glad that I did. Along the way, I uncovered a few gems, as well as a few ghosts of the past, including a sheet of Hello Kitty stickers (I was ten once) and a file with F4 stickers on it (I was fourteen once).

I also found a booklet with information regarding FASS, which proved to be useful. Let me quote the section describing Sociology:

"The Department of Sociology offers a comprehensive curriculum comprising a rich diversity of modules focusing on exciting contemporary issues, ranging from popular culture, media and communications, race and ethnic relations, gender and sexuality, health, religiong, law and deviance. These modules help students develop a good understanding of sociology and learn how it can be used to analyse and explain a broad spectrum of social phenomena, including individual and group behaviour in different social settings and contexts. Students also acquire critical thinking and analytical and basic research skills through fieldwork, internships, and participation in research projects supervised by professors.


Sociology graduates are suitable for a wide range of professions, in administration, human resource management, corporate planning, media and public relations, health and social services, information and research, marketing, education, uniformed services, among others. Many Sociology alumni have distinguished themselves in sought after careers, such as survey researchers, market analysts, information technology, media or public relations specialists, journalists, broadcasters, human resource practitioners, and policy analysts."

Finally, I have an answer to "So... What are you going to work as after you graduate/What can you do with your degree?". I read that section out to my mother just now, and she's happy that I do have a range of career options.

I initially planned to take not more than two Sociology modules in the coming semester, but by the looks of it I will probably be taking three. Still, my timetable looks far more manageable this time round. This should be a good year.

J'adore la vie.

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