Friday, March 27, 2009

I Think A Bomb Just Went Off In My Room

Oh goodness, it's a mess everywhere! I've got notes, books, magazines, coursepacks, accessories and other random things all over my desk. You can hardly see the surface of my desk now, except for two small spaces where I rest my elbows while using my laptop.

I would love to blog more often, but I have so many things to do now. All my undone work is now haunting me. The most urgent thing I have currently is a two thousand word essay due this Monday. After I'm done with that, I have some group projects and presentations to do. Plus I want to get the last of my files from my old computer. I don't really use it anymore.

After I am done with all that, I am going to reorganise my wardrobe, to streamline it and make space for new items. It's all very exciting, and I am looking forward to it.

I'll be going to a friend's 21ST birthday party this evening. It's held at a chalet, so it'll be a casual event. All the same, it'll be great fun. And tomorrow, it'll be the CAC+US concert, and I'll be there.

Whew, life seems to be faster than usual. And all I want to do is to buckle up and enjoy the ride.

Monday, March 16, 2009

Disney Princesses on Ice!

Natasha and I had the loveliest time at the show. It was my second Disney on Ice show. I watched my first one when I was still a child. Now I'm just a child at heart. With a bigger allowance.

I did not buy any of the memorabilia though. Most of the items were quite expensive, plus I do not really have much use for figurines that do not resemble the princesses in the least bit. I wanted to buy the cotton candy (I have a constant cotton candy craving), but it would have cost me a whopping $12, because it came with a plastic crown with Mickey Mouse ears on it.

There were mugs made in the likeness of Mickey's head, with the top of the head and the ears as the cover of the mug. They did not sell these alone though. Each mug comes with a serving of blended ice and syrup. This may sound delicious, but the sight of little children twisting of the top of Mickey's head and eating what looked like Mickey's multi-coloured brain was horrendous.

Alright, back to the show.

Snow White (and her wishing well in the corner)

And now she has found her prince! "One Song" is one of my favourite Disney songs (I have many).
Belle, holding a red rose (I apologise for the badly taken photos. We sat far far away, and I had already zoomed in all that I could.)

She is joined by Lumière and the dinnerware. J'adore Lumière, even though Natasha says he's too slimy. Well, ma cherie, he's French, and you should know better.

Prince Eric (figure dressed in the white shirt and blue pants, in the background) and the acrobatic sailors. It is amazing, to be in skates and flip around the way they did.

Sebastian the cooked Jamaican crab, with Ariel's six older sisters. The unfortunate part about having mermaids on ice is that there is no choice but to make them two-tailed. It makes the sight completely visually-unappealing, but oh well...

Ariel joins in the fun, along with creatures of the deep blue ocean.

Aurora, with her pretty pink dress and her too-blonde prince.

This is the clearest shot I could get of Cinderella arriving in her golden carriage. She was the princess with the grandest entrance.
All the princesses! One of my favourite parts, to watch all the princesses with their partners.

Tricks and lifts. Beautiful.

Ta-daa. It was wonderfully beautiful, even though I was a little disturbed about Tinkerbell in the golden cage. Who knows what Disney is trying to tell us? But it was spectacular all the same. Fireworks! Indoors!

Alright, you are probably exhausted at this point, so I'll end my entry here. I've got some wonderful projects lined up, and I'll execute them as soon as I find the time. For now, it's goodnight, and lots of love to you, beautiful reader.

Saturday, March 14, 2009

Dance and Turn and Spin Around

I am addicted to watching YouTube videos, someone help me! I keep watching videos of musicals and music videos and dance videos and I just want to dance! I can't keep still right now, much less concentrate on my work. I just want to turn and twirl and spin around in circles until I get dizzy and colapse on my bed. And then I'm going to jump right up and start all over again.

Oh my goodness, I have so much energy right now, it's astounding. And no, I didn't drink any Red Bull, though maybe the chocolate and ribena and blueberry tea might have something to do with my current level of enery.

I'm going to be watching "Disney Princesses on Ice" tomorrow! Maybe that's adding to my excitement. I'm really really looking forward to seeing Natasha. I've got so much to tell her, but I have a feeling she's got a lot more to tell me.

I'm not quite on top of the world or walking on air, but I do feel oh-so-good. I feel like everything is going to work out and life is truly worth living. Oh this is great, I'm spinning around and living my life, and everything is so beautiful.

And it is.

I Love High School Musical

I have been watching High School Musical clips on Youtube back to back, night after night. I love love love love love HSM3 and I am going to buy the extended version DVD and keep it forever and I am going to end the sentence here.

I am actually considering the purchase of a HSM3 pencil case.

Yes, yes, I am twenty-one-to-be, but I love my Disney movies all the same. Speaking of twenty-one, I'm back to planning for my party again, and I am so excited about it! Right now, my biggest headache is the cost, and this ties in with the guest list issue as well. Part of me is thinking, it's a once-in-a-lifetime event, so why not just invite everyone? It's very tempting, but I may have to live on canned beans for the next six months. (Or something cheaper. They're raising the prices of everything these days.)

I would love to share more details of my party, but nothing's confirmed yet. So I'll just end my post here.

Maybe I could do a prom theme for my party, and have everyone dress up in suits and dresses. And I'll play the soundtrack from the movie. What do you think?

It's like catching lightning
The chances of finding
Someone like you
It's one in a million
The chances of feeling
The way we do
And with every step together
We just keep on getting better
So can I have this dance
Can I have this dance

One of my favourite duets ever. Ah, what wouldn't I give, to dance in the rain and sing a duet with someone I love.

Thursday, March 5, 2009


I am so grateful that it is finally a Friday. I am going to sleep in till late morning or early afternoon, and then I will attend to matters that I have been neglecting all week. My desk is on its way to being cluttered again, and there is a whole assortment of things waiting to be cleared away. After that, there are some chores that need to be done.

I wonder if I could find the time to go for a manicure and/or pedicure. If it is possible, I would like to head down to the gym as well, for a nice, relaxing jog. And hopefully I will get to do a little shopping in the evening. The bag I usually bring to school, has had quite a bad tear. While I can still use it, I worry that the tear will worsen very soon. And so... it is time to get a new bag! (Cue gleeful smile.)

What else is there to be done? Oh, work. I will fit that in somewhere.

Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Life At This Point

Natasha has given me a pretty, belated Valentine's Day gift. It is a little cross pendant and a chain, from Perlini's Silver. I am going to wear it tomorrow, and I will take a picture of it soon.

School is crazily hectic now. There is a French test tomorrow, and before that, my Gender Studies presentation. I really look forward to Friday, so that I can sleep in.