Friday, March 27, 2009

I Think A Bomb Just Went Off In My Room

Oh goodness, it's a mess everywhere! I've got notes, books, magazines, coursepacks, accessories and other random things all over my desk. You can hardly see the surface of my desk now, except for two small spaces where I rest my elbows while using my laptop.

I would love to blog more often, but I have so many things to do now. All my undone work is now haunting me. The most urgent thing I have currently is a two thousand word essay due this Monday. After I'm done with that, I have some group projects and presentations to do. Plus I want to get the last of my files from my old computer. I don't really use it anymore.

After I am done with all that, I am going to reorganise my wardrobe, to streamline it and make space for new items. It's all very exciting, and I am looking forward to it.

I'll be going to a friend's 21ST birthday party this evening. It's held at a chalet, so it'll be a casual event. All the same, it'll be great fun. And tomorrow, it'll be the CAC+US concert, and I'll be there.

Whew, life seems to be faster than usual. And all I want to do is to buckle up and enjoy the ride.

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